Wednesday, August 19, 2009

from my Department of Agriculture job...

it was amusing............

Thursday, April 24, 2008
from my Dept. of Ag job ---
some silly things I've heard today.
him: Hello, I would like to register some horse treats.
Me: ok, great. what is the name of the treat.
him: Uncle Jimmy's Hanging Horse Balls.
Me: really? ok.
him: yes. they will be 5 inch hanging balls in stalls of horses.
hold, ill transfer you............INTO OBLIVION YOU JERK.....thank god for the ability to pass the buck...........NEXT........
now you know he knows what hes implying with this........:::sighs::
call from Argentina
him: Hello, I would like to see about registering some pet food.
Me:. ok. what sort of food (thinking this should be good)
him: Duck food.
Me: duck food? you mean grains?
him: no duk food
Me: ok.....what size ducks
him: big ones.
Me: well, is the food just for ducks or can other fowl consume it also?
him: fowl? what is fowl?? I mean duk!
Me: dog? duck? what?
him: woof woof duk.
Me: a barking duck?? (thinking, is that like a barking spider????)
Hold please while I transfer you..........INTO OBLIVION YOU GEEK! thank god for passing the buck yet again......
(you see, i dont handle that department yet the switchboard keeps sending me those calls....)
I think, therefore I........giggle at the intelligently oppressed

1 comment:

Ambien Girl said...

OMG!!! That is too funny "Hanging Balls!" How did you keep a straight face and not laugh at the idiot?