Monday, August 24, 2009

Talking tee shirts

It's official, karma has a sense of humor...and so do tee shirt makers apparently. Now I'm a big girl myself, so when I describe someone as fat, chunky, huge, etc. I can say it without prejudice because I am it! Having given y'all that precursor, it's always - almost always the same stereotypes that have the most bizaare teeshirts on. I could and am one day going to start an "as seen in Harnett County....." tee shirt list. Obviously, pictures of these people in the teeshirts would give much more evidence to the amusing nature of said shirts - if it were not illegal, I'd be right on top of that Rose.....

As seen in the lobby of a public service building:

Yes, You can have ALL of this.........worn by a 300 lb dentally challenged female. White. Bleached blonde hair or maybe black dyed roots- not sure which...with white short shorts on that are hung in the crotch - you know what I mean by hung in the crotch---in big girls, it should be a style of short- maybe called the A-frame because the material hangs up in the crotch because the thighs are thick and there is no room for movement, thus creating the appearance of an A in the crotch area. These style of shorts are seen almost daily in the summer. I digress. Just let me say...just because it is summer- don't mean we can all celebrate it....

Thug...worn by a blinged encrusted, golden toothed fellow- African American. I feel like underneath the word thug there should have been a disclaimer such as "stating the obvious"

Another "stating the obvious" herein known as STO-

Black gentleman wearing a black tee with green lettering stating" my president is black"

"My mom gets welfare" - worn by a teenage goth looking kid in the public services lobby - STO of course. all I can say is TORE UP FROM THE FLOOR UP!!!!!!!!

Feel free to add your own I continue about my day shaking my head in awe!
Where do these shirts come from?? Are these people without mirrors? Do they even read what they say? How do they not get the obvious irony?

More questions than answers..........

1 comment:

Ambien Girl said...

How about these...
"Don't bother me. I'm wasting potential."

"I didn't buy this shirt because it said Fuck on it, I bought it because it said Fuck on it twice"

Or my personal favorites, the baby t-shirts....
"Are you my Daddy?"
"All mommy wanted was a back rub"